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Project 13

Website Design: (__/10)

You are to create a website. Two free sites you can use are Weebly or Wix.


For this project you can choose between the two options


1. Make a web-site based on a interest or passion of yours. It could even be a web-site you want to use for a personal business. It should have at least 5 working tabs with a combination of links to videos, assortment of pics and information. The Tabs should have different titles 

If you choose this route, verify with me to ensure you follow the proper format. 



2. Make your site mirror my site and upload your work from each project under the proper heading, except your resume. Put the project outline in that tab. 




  • Once you are finished your design, publish and send me your link through Teams.

  • A few things you want to be mindful of:

    • Eliminating empty space at the bottom of each page you add.​

    • Delete all the links from the template that are not going to be used, like payment buttons, social media links et

    • Choose "personal portfolio' for a template. It is easier to work with. 


I would suggest using Weebly for those new to web-site design and for those who have used Weebly before and /or want more freedom with design, try Wix.


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